School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering


The members of the School engage in extensive research activities that fully encompass the fields of Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering, and Maritime Transport. The entire faculty and research staff of the School—including academic staff (DEP), laboratory teaching staff (EDIP), and technical support staff (ETEP)—actively participate in both fundamental and applied research. Doctoral candidates, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students, contribute to the research process, particularly through their diploma and master’s theses.
The research activities are supported by the School’s laboratories, which are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, some of which are unique in Greece. These facilities not only serve the research needs of the School’s members but also support the Greek maritime industry. Funded research is primarily supported through European and national research programs, within which the School’s members collaborate with universities, research institutions, and industries in Greece and abroad.
The outcomes of these research activities contribute to the continuous modernization of the educational process and are reflected in the scientific publications of the School’s members in international journals and conferences.


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Research Direction

The School promotes cutting-edge research in the fields of naval architecture, marine engineering, naval hydrodynamics, ship design, and maritime transport.

School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering NTUA

Research is a core activity of the School

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