The School’s curriculum is designed to provide students with fundamental scientific knowledge in the fields of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering while also meeting the requirements of the broad professional spectrum in which Naval Architects and Marine Engineers are employed.
For this reason, the School offers a series of compulsory and elective compulsory courses, the content of which can define study directions that meet the needs of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers in almost all areas of their professional activity. The breadth of the provided education is also reflected in the participation of various NTUA Schools in the compulsory and elective compulsory courses of the Undergraduate Curriculum.
For a more comprehensive professional education, most courses in the School include project work, with the most significant being the Ship Design Project. The academic cycle at the School is completed with the submission and successful oral defense of the Diploma Thesis.
According to the study system of the NTUA, the duration of studies at the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering is five (5) academic years. Each academic year is divided into two semesters: the Winter semester (September-January) and the Spring semester (February-June). Out of the ten (10) semesters of study, the first nine (9) are dedicated to coursework, while the tenth (10th) semester is exclusively focused on the completion of the Diploma Thesis.
Students are encouraged to enroll in the mandatory courses of their regular semester and in the recommended elective mandatory modules for the same semester. However, for students in their third semester and beyond, it is generally possible to enroll in lower-semester modules they have not yet passed, as well as in higher-semester modules. The maximum number of modules a student can enroll in per semester is eleven (11) for those in their first through eighth semesters. For students in higher semesters (ninth, tenth, and re-enrollments), the maximum number of modules allowed per semester is fourteen (14).
For certain modules, there is a prerequisite that the student must have received a grade of at least three (3) in a specific module or modules from a previous semester. This requirement ensures that the student can follow the content of the higher-semester module without difficulties in understanding.
A part of the offered elective mandatory modules is included in two thematic units:
The remaining compulsory elective modules are categorized into the following Module Groups:
The elective modules for the 8th and 9th semesters are selected from the Thematic Units and the Module Groups A, B, and C. For the rules on module selection, students should refer to the Undergraduate Program Study Guide of the School.
In order to assist students both in choosing modules and in other general matters related to their studies at the Institution, the institution of the Academic Advisor was established starting from the academic year 1989-90, following a decision by the General Assembly of the School. Specifically, each student of the School will have a faculty member as their advisor, who is appointed through a lottery. This faculty member will be available to the student for information and advice regarding matters related to the progress of their studies.
To obtain the diploma from the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, the student must meet the following requirements: