📌 FIRST SEMESTER 2023-2024
The semester begins with two core courses common to all students: "Special Topics in Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics" taught by K. Belibassakis (SNAME) and "Numerical Analysis" by K. Chrysafinos and E. Georgoulis (SAMPS), each worth 6 ECTS.
For Direction I: Maritime Technology, students attend:
"Finite Element Method for the Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structures" by E. Samuelides and K. Anyfantis (SNAME),
"Seakeeping Behavior of Ships and Applications in Their Design and Operation" by G. Grigoropoulos (SNAME),
"Ship Dynamic Stability and Safety" by K. Spyrou (SNAME), and
"Fundamentals of Naval Architecture" by D. Konovessis (SNAME), required only for students without a Naval Architecture background.
Each course offers 6 ECTS. Additionally, the elective "Hydraulic Systems Onboard Ships" (SME) is available but will not be offered in the academic year 2024-2025.
For Direction II: Marine Structures and Hydrocarbon Exploitation, required courses include:
"Fundamentals of Naval Architecture" (if necessary),
"Materials for Marine Structures" by N. Tsouvalis and A. Zervaki (SNAME),
"Introduction to Marine Renewable Energy Sources" by T. Soukissian (HCMR) and K. Belibassakis (SNAME).
An elective course "Hydro-Mechanical Analysis and Design of Mooring Structures" is taught by S. Mavrakos, I. Chatjigeorgiou, and D. Konispoliatis (SNAME).
For Direction III: Marine Environment and Renewable Energy Resources, students attend:
"Wave Phenomena in the Sea Environment" by K. Belibassakis (SNAME),
"Marine Geology and Geophysics" by V. Kapsimalis and G. Rousakis (HCMR) (Note: not offered in 2024-2025), and
"Introduction to Marine Renewable Energy Sources" by T. Soukissian and K. Belibassakis.
A common elective course for all directions is "Communication Skills for Engineers" by G. Togia and K. Spyrou (FLC/SNAME), offering 3 ECTS.
The core course "Finite Difference and Finite Element Methods for PDEs" is offered to all students, taught by E. Georgoulis and K. Chrysafinos (SAMPS), with 6 ECTS.
In Direction I: Maritime Technology, required courses include:
"Measurements and Instruments for Marine Applications" by M. Anagnostakis, P. Rouni, and G. Grigoropoulos (SME/SNAME),
"Design and Operation of Marine Diesel Engines" by G. Dimopoulos (SNAME),
"Maritime Transportation Systems" by D. Lyridis, M. Founti, and D. Yannopoulos (SNAME/SME).
Electives include:
"Computational Fluid Dynamics" by G. Papadakis (SNAME),
"Linear and Nonlinear Dynamics – Vibrations of Shaft-Rotors Systems" by I. Georgiou and N. Tsoulakos (SNAME),
"Nonlinear Water Waves" by K. Belibassakis (SNAME),
"Non-Markovian Stochastic Functions. Stochastic Dynamics" by G. Athanassoulis (SNAME).
For Direction II: Marine Structures and Hydrocarbon Exploitation, required courses include:
"Environmental Conditions and Wave Loads on Marine Structures",
"Dynamic Response of Floating Structures",
"Structural Design", and
"Mechanics of Geomaterials (Soils and Rocks)".
Electives for Direction II are wide-ranging, including:
"Computational Fluid Dynamics",
"Seminars on Marine and Underwater Technology",
"Structural Mechanics and Design of Offshore Pipelines",
"Ultimate Limit State Analysis of Marine Structures",
"Reliability and Risk Analysis for Offshore Structures",
"Nonlinear Water Waves", and
"Non-Markovian Stochastic Functions".
In Direction III: Marine Environment and Renewable Energy Resources, required courses are:
"Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics" by G. Triantafyllou, H. Floca, and S. Sofianos (SNAME / Physics / NKUA),
"Nonlinear Water Waves" by K. Belibassakis (SNAME),
"Remote Sensing Methods for Mapping and Monitoring of Marine Environment".
Electives include:
"Computational Fluid Dynamics",
"Seminars on Marine and Underwater Technology", and
"Non-Markovian Stochastic Functions".
A joint elective course is "European and Greek Technical Law" taught by Eugenia Tzanini (SAMPS), providing 3 ECTS. There is also an optional "Internship".
📌 THIRD SEMESTER 2023-2024
The third semester is dedicated to the Postgraduate Diploma Thesis, carrying 18 ECTS.
For Direction I: Maritime Technology, electives include:
"Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics of Sailing Yachts",
"Modeling and Simulation of Flow and Combustion Processes in Internal Combustion Engines" (not offered in 2024-2025),
"Management of Safety and Environmental Hazards for Offshore Oil and Gas Industry",
"Introduction to Ship Performance Assessment",
"Optimization Problems and Variational Principles", and
"System Dynamics, Stability and Control" (not offered in 2024-2025).
For Direction II: Marine Structures and Hydrocarbon Exploitation, electives include:
"Management of Safety and Environmental Hazards for Offshore Oil and Gas Industry",
"Introduction to Ship Performance Assessment",
"Ocean Energy Converters",
"Basic Principles for the Design of Foundation of Marine Structures",
"Steel Structures for Marine Applications",
"Optimization Problems and Variational Principles",
"System Dynamics, Stability and Control", and
"Basic Programming Principles and Uses in Mathematics".
For Direction III: Marine Environment and Renewable Energy Resources, required courses include:
"Basic Programming Principles and Uses in Mathematics" by K. Papaodyssefs (SECE).
Electives for Direction III:
"Ocean Energy Converters",
"Steel Structures for Marine Applications",
"GIS and Spatial Databases for the Marine Environment",
"Optimization Problems and Variational Principles", and
"System Dynamics, Stability and Control" (not offered in 2024-2025).
For more information please read the study guide