National Technical University of Athens
School of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering


📌 FIRST SEMESTER 2023-2024

The semester begins with two core courses common to all students: "Special Topics in Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics" taught by K. Belibassakis (SNAME) and "Numerical Analysis" by K. Chrysafinos and E. Georgoulis (SAMPS), each worth 6 ECTS.

For Direction I: Maritime Technology, students attend:

  • "Finite Element Method for the Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structures" by E. Samuelides and K. Anyfantis (SNAME),
  • "Seakeeping Behavior of Ships and Applications in Their Design and Operation" by G. Grigoropoulos (SNAME),
  • "Ship Dynamic Stability and Safety" by K. Spyrou (SNAME), and
  • "Fundamentals of Naval Architecture" by D. Konovessis (SNAME), required only for students without a Naval Architecture background.

Each course offers 6 ECTS. Additionally, the elective "Hydraulic Systems Onboard Ships" (SME) is available but will not be offered in the academic year 2024-2025.

For Direction II: Marine Structures and Hydrocarbon Exploitation, required courses include:

  • "Fundamentals of Naval Architecture" (if necessary),
  • "Materials for Marine Structures" by N. Tsouvalis and A. Zervaki (SNAME),
  • "Introduction to Marine Renewable Energy Sources" by T. Soukissian (HCMR) and K. Belibassakis (SNAME).

An elective course "Hydro-Mechanical Analysis and Design of Mooring Structures" is taught by S. Mavrakos, I. Chatjigeorgiou, and D. Konispoliatis (SNAME).

For Direction III: Marine Environment and Renewable Energy Resources, students attend:

  • "Wave Phenomena in the Sea Environment" by K. Belibassakis (SNAME),
  • "Marine Geology and Geophysics" by V. Kapsimalis and G. Rousakis (HCMR) (Note: not offered in 2024-2025), and
  • "Introduction to Marine Renewable Energy Sources" by T. Soukissian and K. Belibassakis.

A common elective course for all directions is "Communication Skills for Engineers" by G. Togia and K. Spyrou (FLC/SNAME), offering 3 ECTS.


The core course "Finite Difference and Finite Element Methods for PDEs" is offered to all students, taught by E. Georgoulis and K. Chrysafinos (SAMPS), with 6 ECTS.

In Direction I: Maritime Technology, required courses include:

  • "Measurements and Instruments for Marine Applications" by M. Anagnostakis, P. Rouni, and G. Grigoropoulos (SME/SNAME),
  • "Design and Operation of Marine Diesel Engines" by G. Dimopoulos (SNAME),
  • "Maritime Transportation Systems" by D. Lyridis, M. Founti, and D. Yannopoulos (SNAME/SME).

Electives include:

  • "Computational Fluid Dynamics" by G. Papadakis (SNAME),
  • "Linear and Nonlinear Dynamics – Vibrations of Shaft-Rotors Systems" by I. Georgiou and N. Tsoulakos (SNAME),
  • "Nonlinear Water Waves" by K. Belibassakis (SNAME),
  • "Non-Markovian Stochastic Functions. Stochastic Dynamics" by G. Athanassoulis (SNAME).

For Direction II: Marine Structures and Hydrocarbon Exploitation, required courses include:

  • "Environmental Conditions and Wave Loads on Marine Structures",
  • "Dynamic Response of Floating Structures",
  • "Structural Design", and
  • "Mechanics of Geomaterials (Soils and Rocks)".

Electives for Direction II are wide-ranging, including:

  • "Computational Fluid Dynamics",
  • "Seminars on Marine and Underwater Technology",
  • "Structural Mechanics and Design of Offshore Pipelines",
  • "Ultimate Limit State Analysis of Marine Structures",
  • "Reliability and Risk Analysis for Offshore Structures",
  • "Nonlinear Water Waves", and
  • "Non-Markovian Stochastic Functions".

In Direction III: Marine Environment and Renewable Energy Resources, required courses are:

  • "Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics" by G. Triantafyllou, H. Floca, and S. Sofianos (SNAME / Physics / NKUA),
  • "Nonlinear Water Waves" by K. Belibassakis (SNAME),
  • "Remote Sensing Methods for Mapping and Monitoring of Marine Environment".

Electives include:

  • "Computational Fluid Dynamics",
  • "Seminars on Marine and Underwater Technology", and
  • "Non-Markovian Stochastic Functions".

A joint elective course is "European and Greek Technical Law" taught by Eugenia Tzanini (SAMPS), providing 3 ECTS. There is also an optional "Internship".

📌 THIRD SEMESTER 2023-2024

The third semester is dedicated to the Postgraduate Diploma Thesis, carrying 18 ECTS.

For Direction I: Maritime Technology, electives include:

  • "Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics of Sailing Yachts",
  • "Modeling and Simulation of Flow and Combustion Processes in Internal Combustion Engines" (not offered in 2024-2025),
  • "Management of Safety and Environmental Hazards for Offshore Oil and Gas Industry",
  • "Introduction to Ship Performance Assessment",
  • "Optimization Problems and Variational Principles", and
  • "System Dynamics, Stability and Control" (not offered in 2024-2025).

For Direction II: Marine Structures and Hydrocarbon Exploitation, electives include:

  • "Management of Safety and Environmental Hazards for Offshore Oil and Gas Industry",
  • "Introduction to Ship Performance Assessment",
  • "Ocean Energy Converters",
  • "Basic Principles for the Design of Foundation of Marine Structures",
  • "Steel Structures for Marine Applications",
  • "Optimization Problems and Variational Principles",
  • "System Dynamics, Stability and Control", and
  • "Basic Programming Principles and Uses in Mathematics".

For Direction III: Marine Environment and Renewable Energy Resources, required courses include:

  • "Basic Programming Principles and Uses in Mathematics" by K. Papaodyssefs (SECE).

Electives for Direction III:

  • "Ocean Energy Converters",
  • "Steel Structures for Marine Applications",
  • "GIS and Spatial Databases for the Marine Environment",
  • "Optimization Problems and Variational Principles", and
  • "System Dynamics, Stability and Control" (not offered in 2024-2025).

For more information please read the study guide